St. Peter’s Educator Parent Improvement Council (EPIC) will once again host its popular Night at the Races on Saturday, March 23, 2024 at 7pm in the Badin High School cafeteria.
Night at the Races generates thousands of dollars for our school community; these crucial funds support important capital and programming needs. The school has made numerous capital improvements over the last few years, and the funds raised for this year’s Night at the Races will go towards the purchase of new windows.
This is a fun night out for parents, friends, guardians, parishioners -- and for friends and family! We welcome new families and encourage everyone to invite a guest -- the more, the merrier!
Tickets are $40 each, or $75 per couple. Ticket prices include beer and wine from Ohio Eagle and delicious catering provided by Two Women in a Kitchen. Throughout the evening, guests will be able to bet on horse races from pre-recorded races. Warning -- this gets extremely competitive and is a lot of fun!
Tickets and event sponsorships may be purchased here. You may also use this form to purchase horses for one or more of the evening's races. It's always more fun when you've got a horse in the race (and giving your horse a clever name has traditionally been something of a sport amongst St. Peter's families!).
As with every school event, volunteers are needed, and we would welcome your help. If you would like to volunteer, you may sign up here: https://www.
If you have any questions, please contact co-chairs Kate Dixon and Christina Bowling via email at