We do PTO a little differently at St. Peter's. Here, it's called EPIC (Educator Parent Improvement Council), and it is epic!
Our mission is to support the school in its efforts to provide our children with the best education, extracurricular opportunities, and learning environment possible—all while working hard to build a welcoming, loving, and fun community of parents, staff, students, and parishioners.
EPIC provides a wealth of opportunities for parents and grandparents to get involved—from bigger commitments, like those on our leadership team, to one-and-done opportunities like helping out at one of our sponsored events. Our meetings are often social events, held at places like Municipal Brew Works, and offer parents a chance not just to build a better school, but to build community in the process.
While all parents and teachers are vital members of EPIC, our leadership team consists of parent volunteers who lead various committees for 1- to 2-year terms. Please feel free to reach out to a leadership team member with ideas, questions, or concerns—or to ask how you might become more involved.
Lindsey Fanning, President (fanningl@stpeterinchains.org)
---, Vice President (Please contact Lindsey Fanning if interested.)
Cindy Simpson, Treasurer (sterwerf@constellation-wealth.com)
Jen Hengehold, Parliamentarian (jhengehold516@gmail.com)
, Education Commission Chair (mifishcer@gmail.com)
Aimee Hodapp, Fundraising Co-Chair (aimeehodapp@yahoo.com)
Jen Hengehold, Marketing Chair (jhengehold516@gmail.com)
Joe Brandabur, Campus Improvement Chair (jbrandabur@gmail.com)
Suzanne Geiser, Teacher Support Chair (sdgeiser@gmail.com)
Katie McKenna, Community Life Chair ()
---, Student Life Chair (Please contact Kelly Heile if interested.)
Rosita Salgado-Urcia, St. Julie Liaison (rositaurcia@hotmail.com)
, Parish Council Rep.
, Parish Council Rep.
, Finance Council Rep.
EPIC business meetings are typically held several times a year. In addition, EPIC sponsors a number of social events throughout the year, including a back-to-school happy hour for parents at Municipal Brew Works.