Students arriving by car prior to 7:30 am must be dropped off in the parking lot and enter the building through the side door to Wiegand Hall (gymnasium). Please pull your car forward to allow additional cars to enter the parking lot and encourage your child/ren to be ready to exit the car quickly. DO NO PASS OTHER CARS in the line as this poses a safety risk for our children. If your child needs additional time or help to get out of the car, please wait until it's your turn, then slowly pull forward and park in one of the spaces in the back section of the parking lot so as not to delay others who are waiting in line. You can then walk your child to the bottom of the steps.
Please exit right to exit through the alley onto Elvin Street. This will allow for a smooth traffic flow and will keep everyone safe. Please remember to be a good neighbor and exit through the alley way slowly, allowing for neighbors to exit their garages as necessary.
ALL students departing by car will be picked up in the parking lot next to Wiegand Hall. Please follow the car rider dismissal discussed in the handbook for easy and safe exiting. Students will stand in the safe zone until they are met by parents. Parents are required to come to the safe zone and walk with children to vehicles. No one should park across the street from the school to gather their child(ren), everyone should park in the lot.
This process was implemented to ensure the safety of our students, staff, and our drivers. Please be patient and understanding. This will ensure that our dismissal procedure is safe for everyone.